Activities and leisure




There are so many activities available on your break - choosing where to start can be the hardest part! Full details of all activities are available on our website. Please note, activities can occasionally be subject to change. All children under 8 years taking part in activities must have parental supervision unless the activity expressly states it is supervised by us. It may also be requested in other instances.

You must tell us when you book if your child has any medical condition, allergy or normally carries a JEXT/EPIPEN/ANAPEN. You must bring the injector to the session with the child, ensuring the date is valid, or your child will not be able to join the session.

Events and entertainment

Please check our website for events and entertainment during your break.

Leisure activites

To reduce the risk of injury, please take time to warm up before any activity and wear appropriate footwear whilst exercising. The use of safety equipment is compulsory on certain activities and you will not be allowed to participate without it. The use of safety equipment is strongly recommended during rollerskating/rollerblading sessions. This is freely available at the entrance to the rollerskating area. An assistant is present at the area to assist in the fitting of equipment if necessary. The following activities require you to complete a health and safety form prior to participation:

  • Action Challenge activities
  • Supervised watersports activities
  • Most Aqua Sana treatments
  • Paintballing
  • Quad biking
  • Laser combat
  • Fitness studio
  • Other activities provided by external third party providers

For your own safety, if you suffer from certain health conditions, you will be unable to participate in certain activities unless you have written confirmation from your GP that it is safe for you to participate. If you wish to participate in an activity and you have a condition that may prevent you from participating, please contact your GP or specialist to advise you further.

For children and young people under 18 years of age the health and safety form must be completed by an adult. If an unaccompanied young person attends an activity without a completed health and safety form having been submitted they will be unable to participate until a health and safety form is completed. For all online bookings for the activity, the booker must have acknowledged that they have received parental consent to allow the booking for children under 18 years of age.

Watersports activities

Buoyancy aids are compulsory for most watersports activities and are provided free of charge. Before participating in watersports activities, make sure cuts and grazes are covered with a waterproof dressing. Please shower after participating in activities on the lake, particularly before eating or drinking. If flu-like symptoms or headaches occur after any water sports activity, please inform the First Aid Centre or your own GP. Personal crafts are prohibited on the lake.

Play areas

Center Parcs recognises the benefits of allowing children and young people of all ages and abilities to have challenging play opportunities, it helps children to learn, explore and understand their abilities. To this end play areas should carry a degree of risk to expand children’s learning and to stretch their abilities, it is important that children have adult supervision as this is critical to help them learn and have fun safely, the advice to guests is to supervise children to play in a sensible and safe way so all guests can enjoy the facilities.

Our play areas are inspected daily but if you do have any concerns, please bring this to the attention of a team member or Guest Services.

To help you and your child enjoy the play facilities we have compiled some simple play advice from reputable sources:

Age range – The age range is guidance for guests to make an informed decision on their child’s ability to use the equipment supervision is required at all times.

Keep in mind that children can be tempted to play on equipment they're too young to use, especially if they want to impress other kids who might be around. If they can't reach or get on to equipment on their own, it is probably not designed for them.

We have developed a quick and easy system to help inform guests on the suitability of the play area for age range, this is loosely organised into 3 sections - preschool children under 5 years old, children 5 to 10 years old, and then 10 years and above.

Supervision - Provide active supervision, no matter how safe the play area, children are more likely to get hurt if they are playing without supervision. Active supervision means you are paying attention to your child and watching them closely. Keep your eyes on young kids (and sometimes older ones) because they can't always be sure of distance and may not expect dangerous situations. Make sure your child is clearly and directly visible at all times. It's not necessary to hover over your child, but you should be within a few feet of them, especially when they're younger. Avoid distractions while your child is playing on the playground. Just a few seconds is all it takes for the child to get into a dangerous situation.

Capacity – If the play area looks busy, please use another play area, or come back later when the play areas is quieter.

Misuse of Equipment – such as climbing on structures not designed for climbing, adults using the equipment, too many children on one piece of equipment could result in an accident and costly damages.

Slides – feet first, do not double up, do not climb up slides –Many injuries that happen on slides are when a young child travels down a slide on an adult’s lap.  In many cases, the child's leg gets stuck, but the adult and child continue moving down the slide causing injury the child's leg.

Weather - If the ground is frozen it will be hard, if the play equipment is wet it will be slippery, the sun can heat the metal so it will be hot. Adult supervision is needed to help the child understand these risks.

Food & Drinks – Are not to be taken onto play equipment, or into indoor soft play areas where there is matting, this is to encourage cleanliness, and prevent accidents.

Discuss playground safety with your child. Your child needs to understand how to use playground equipment safely and how to behave on the playground, as well as how to play well with other children.

  • Keep in mind that younger children play differently to older children. If there are a lot of older children on the playground, you may want to take your younger child somewhere else. Similarly, if your child is older, teach them to take care and look out for younger kids who might be playing nearby.
  • Make sure your child understands how to use the equipment correctly, and not to try risky or dangerous stunts that could lead to injury.

Walk through the playground with your child. If it's your first time visiting a particular playground, touring it with your child allows you to point out any hazards as well as explain to your child the proper uses of equipment.

  • Ask your child questions to actively involve them in the experience. Get them thinking about which pieces of equipment they want to use, as well as which things make them nervous.
  • Let them know if there are any pieces of equipment that are off limits, or that you want to be nearby when they use them, and explain the dangers posed.

Allow children to play only on age/ability-appropriate equipment

  • Always wear a helmet while bike riding, but take it off while on playground equipment.
  • Never use playground equipment that's wet because moisture makes the surfaces slippery.
  • Check playground equipment in the summertime. It can become uncomfortably or even dangerously hot, especially metal slides, handrails, and steps. So use good judgment — if the equipment feels hot to the touch, it's probably not safe or fun to play on. Contact burns can happen within seconds.
  • Wear clothes without drawstrings or cords. Drawstrings, purses, and necklaces could get caught on equipment and accidentally strangle a child.
  • Wear sunscreen when playing outside even on cloudy days to protect against sunburn.

Disclaimer - Guests use play areas at their own risk, Center Parcs does not accept any liability for any loss (including theft), damage or personal injury unless due to our negligence or any other breach of duty.

Remember - we agree with ROSPA and design our play facilities with this in mind: ROSPA say “We believe that areas where children play should be as safe as necessary and not as safe as possible.”

General Children's Safety

Although you are on a short break, it is vital to know where your children are and to supervise them at all times, particularly in play areas, in the Subtropical Swimming Paradise, near water and on their cycles.

Please be aware that open water is present and exists throughout the village and close to most accommodation.

Please supervise your children carefully on balconies and ensure they do not climb on furniture. Unless we have agreed to supervise them, all children under 8 taking part in activities must have parental supervision.

Center Parcs staff do not supervise children’s play areas, indoor or outdoor. 

For all supervised activities you must provide contact details so we can contact you during the session, sign your child in or out, or provide a password if they are under 8 and collect your child at the correct time.

Child car seats will no longer be provided should you need to travel in a Center Parcs vehicle whilst on village. You may use and fit your own car seat should you wish to, at your own risk.

You must tell us when you book any activity if your child has a medical condition, allergy or normally carries an EPI-PEN/ANAPEN/JEXT. The only medication our staff may administer to a child under our supervision is a prescribed EPI-PEN/ANAPEN/JEXT. You must bring it with you, ensuring the date is valid, or your child will not be able to join the session.

Please adhere to any safety signage in place and do not breach any temporary closure.